Friday, December 12, 2008

When fishes go fishing

Terrorism has spread its wings so wide all over the world that nobody has got any clues as to how to suppress it! The major flaw lies in trying to eradicate the effects of terror every time rather than taking measures to uproot the prime cause of this ugly act. Nobody has ever thought as to why most youth resort to this deadly act of massacring people. The cause needs to be analyzed from the destitute point of view to get a clear understanding of the reason as to why these youth fall prey to terror groups. As always, survival is the key for any human being in this world and everyone looks for a chance to edge over the other. In this race for supremacy, the brainy community enjoys the top luxury and amasses most of the available wealth through business. The poor go poorer. This is not a imposed stature on the poor but it's their only option as they have no other means of livelihood.

From where do the so called terrorists spring from? They are initially one among the billions in this big world and trying to earn their living as everyone do. But, these youth have a family that is unable to sponsor them a day's meal. Under the pressure to live in this world somehow these youth resort to some illegal activities in their childhood. Their minds, from then on refuses to cooperate for any productive activity in life. A sort of addiction. The already existing terror groups look for these kind of hapless young men and mesmerize them with offers such as compensation for family and canvassing in the name of religion. As these men are already in a sullen mood they immediately yield to the bait of those illicit groups and start working for them as suicide bombers!

The leaders of the world who have great care in reviving this only living place in this Universe so far, must try to find all these young minds with anger on life and try to relieve them off their poverty. It's human nature to look out for obvious means of earning wealth, not fearing of the consequences. These minds must be ignited with good thoughts of peace and also they need to be convinced that prosperity springs from peace. This can also be done on a humanitarian basis, educating those juvenile criminals about the ill effects of taking a weapon that will ultimately end as noose for their own neck! This cannot be called a novel way of eliminating terror as it'd been carried out for sometime in the past time, must be done on a full fledged basis. It's high time for us now to prevent these maniacs from hunting men as some fishes go for the kill of fellow fishes. In both the cases, the result is adverse

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