Thursday, September 4, 2008

Learn How to find things....

We are living in an era in which information is freely available. Whatever may be the area, whatever may be the subject, you get the answer in a second. The trend in problem solving nowadays is to figure out where to find the information rather than building an application from scratch. We want to solve the problem quickly rather than proving our technical expertise, when it comes to pure problem solving. We need to sacrifice our personal ambitions while trying to solve problems. Searching for an information not only requires special skills but also sufficient training in handling the information source, say the Internet.

Once given with a problem, the first thing to look for is the essential steps required to solve the problem. The second one will be look for the tools to implement them. The next step would be not to start working with the application but rather looking for an already existing tool. This not only saves us time, but gives us a confidence that the problem is half solved. Later, try to modify the tool according to your application, which is possible in most of the open source tools. This is the basic principle used with the Object Oriented System Design Methodology to write softwares.

There is yet another crisis with this Object Oriented Systems Methodology. When programmers use an already existing object in their application, their Manager often questions their skill sets!! Because, he feels that they don't have a brain of their own! This problem is somewhat difficult to tackle, because it deals with the psychology of the Manager. The programmer needs to convince his Manager of his skill and expertise. So, a sufficient trade off is required between using an existing object and writing your own applications and a clever programmer always find the fine thread connecting these two.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Educate thru interest not thru force!

Hello ppl! Back again, this time with a more controversial topic to discuss. Education and how it is being handled in India. Education is a virtue, a precious commodity and this must not become an object of business! The second aspect regarding education is, how its being brought into student minds. Its a pity that education is being imposed into young minds rather allowing them to enjoy a lovely feeling called "education". Yes, education is a lovely feeling, it has a gentle breeze in it, a feeling called "awareness". The pleasure of knowing something can only be felt!

Today's plight of education is, particularly in India, we are forced into a rigorous course called "education". Forced tests, punishments and other unpleasant treatments. Why it is being stuffed into our minds? Why is that we are not allowed to think a moment and enjoy what we learn? Why is that examination still remains as the student evaluation criterion? These remain a billion dollar question in India forever! This is not the first time a student like me is feeling for this miserable happening. Many educationists have written columns of articles and many speakers spoke volumes about this issue. But in vain.

The solution is simple. People who are really interested in educating the masses must run the institutions. Education as a business object must be a punishable crime. No rule can impose the two above said principles. Its purely subjective. One has to be true to oneself and must look upon education as a way of making people realise what the world is and make the young minds feel at ease while learning.
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