Sunday, July 6, 2008

Nature and Discretion

It was those periods of mankind when man knew nothing of this Universe and of the Earth. He was roaming over this planet as a pristine being and dint have rational thinking powers and powers of discretion. Life was peaceful as he ate the Mother Nature's offering of fruits and vegetables, and of course some animals. He was completely dependant on Nature and was thankful for what the Mother has given him.

Then this mind of man started pondering over things as to make life easy, it was then the wheel was invented, to make transport easier. This rational thinking of man did not stop with this and ventured deep into inventing many more things that made his life more easy. This led to a well settled life and a better understanding of the laws of nature. But, the confusing aspect, which I view, is when nature was sure in making the rules governing the Universe a profound for humans, why did we strive much to understand this recondite concept? Why do we strain ourselves beyond our limits to get things cleared about the periodic happenings of Earth and the Universe? Call it discretion or violation of the living rules?

Man was for long years only because he enjoyed the nature's offerings and dint get beyond his limits. He was in harmonium with nature and he enjoyed the every speck of his surrounding. The competition among the humans led to acquirement of wealth, leading to imbalanced distribution of property. This gave rise to greed and jealousy. Man had to think more and more to get over the other person and this led to a life of misery and man detached away from the pleasures of nature. He neglected nature and concentrated more on material life. Material benefits became a matter of prime importance for him and respect for humans was completely lost.

The life we lead today is not for us, but for our status, for what we want people to think of us, for what dignity we want in our society and so on... Many of us forget what happiness is and get ourselves going with this world. We don't spend a minute a day to think of what our real interests are and are we pursuing our passion. In today's world enjoying the nature and admiring it is too ambitious but try to make sure that you don't get yourself hooked up with the thought that you control the nature with technology and other gizmos. One thing that is proven right for sure is that our lifetime is strongly reduced once these innovations came into practice. In the older times people lived hale and healthy for longer years but now we battle with nature to keep ourselves alive!! One thing which I feel dangerous is that, too much investigation into something which is deliberately kept abstruse will bring unpleasant results unless it is done on gregarious grounds, example exploring "Nature".

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