Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The New Year

It has become almost habitual for everyone of us to plunge into party mood on every new year's eve. This celebration of ours is of course aimed at welcoming yet another year of happiness and prosperity. But, do we just focus on just the new year day i.e., Jan 1 and fail to make the most out of the remaining 364 days? I guess, this is the scenario! What does a new year mean? If not as a general opinion I would like to project my thoughts here as simple as possible. The year that has gone by might have given us all sorts of experiences ranging from sadness to extreme happiness, failure to pinnacle of success and countless. We might have done some highly noble deeds and at the same time harmed a few hearts, with deeds and words. The year is the excellent opportunity to put all our negatives on a hold and gear up for the future, retaining those noble qualities.

Yet, I haven't mentioned what we need to do as we usher in to the new year! Well, here is one short list of activities, which I have shortlisted through my observation and experiences. The first and foremost would be adjust with the circumstances. There are many people who decline to bend for the situation. They command the similar requirements even knowing that it's not available. This is not fair as we need to travel places around the globe. It may sound so silly but you'll realize its worth only when you start working for a concern. So be prepared. Next would be, analyze things better before you speak or do. This is an elementary fact, but i feel that everyone of us forgets it with high probability! Analyze the people around you and also the situation before you proceed with your word or action, because it will decide how good you are with people or even the otherwise!

Moving on, concentrate more on retaining your friends rather than trying to make new ones. Many of u would take this sentence in the negative sense. "Concentrate" implies 'give extra efforts to'. So take efforts to keep your current friends from moving away, because that's the toughest thing since you need to take care of friends with varying attitudes. Making new friends doesn't require any effort, as they come when they like you, without any stimulus. When your current comrades are not reciprocated by you, you may lose a valuable asset. So be warned. Further, try to use knowledge for the welfare of people and country rather than to showcase your grey cell potential alone. This is the trend with almost every learned men/women nowadays. Learn to educate others. This should be the motto and this is how many world nations stand tall. So drop all your pompous display of knowledge and start working on how you can be worthy to your country, after all it's you who has to take care of your mother, i.e., your country.

A final note will be don' t take what people do to you for granted. Nobody does something to you without a pinch of care imbedded in it. So try not to harm them at least, if not you reciprocate to the fullest. These are my simple observations that can be embodied as traits of human behavior. Some may be tough to practise, but am sure the effects are divine. If you are ready for all these rejuvenations then you are ready to party out! Finally, be humane in your behaviour and be concerned in your attitude. Happy New Year friends!


Unknown said...

Good one dude :) guess i need to think before i party next time :)

Chandran said...

Hmmm...As I ve mentioned, party out once you have made urself sure of what a new year actually means :)

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