Friday, January 9, 2009

From conscience, with Love

Ryan has been greatly helped by his conscience on many critical occasions of his life. The moment was so surprising when his conscience spoke about its own credits to Ryan. So, here goes the soliloquy of Mr. Conscience.

Dear Ryan, I have been with you not since you were born but when you started reasoning things. The type of reasoning that you do with me is totally different than that you do with Mr. Intellect. I have always insisted you to be 'just' with people and hold on to morals, how hard the situations may be. I have been motivating you to learn your purpose of existence on this earth. Your intellect guides you only on things that help make this life more comfortable, or even move you from one misery to the other. I always struggled to liberate you from the fetters of this common man's life. This, I never did on a spiritual note but on a realization flavor. I wanted you to realize the existence of things. Realization in it's true sense means analyzing and accepting things in their true nature, not a pinch more or less. It's only with the help of me you always tried to unlock the mysteries of this very existence.

Money has been your motivation in life, no doubt aided by your intellectual mind. Whatever you did was to earn the most amount of comforts in life. It is good as long as you desired for what it's within your capacity. When you long for something that's out of your purchasing capacity, greed creeps into your mind. You make desperate attempts to acquire those material comforts in order to satisfy your greed and not you! This is because greed has kept you so unhappy and when you got what greed wanted, you are satisfied not because you actually got that thing but because you are away from the shackles of greed. My duty at those times was to illuminate your mind with thoughts pertaining to transience of material wealth. How wealth degrades with time, this was most important of all teachings that I made to you.

You always had qualms about desire and it's effect and as usual tried in vain to quit desire, only to free from the thought and not from desire itself. Desire is the personal liking to something, loss of which leads to dissatisfaction. The degree of dissatisfaction is directly proportional to the amount of liking that one has for the substance and not to the size of the substance desired. If you like a pen immensely and a car superficially, the unavailability of a pen hurts you more, not the car. But then desire helped you to climb up in your academic career. You earned better grades and secured a great future. After achieving so much you were still worried about quitting desire. You were so poor that you didn't realize that desire to quit desire is in itself desire embedded in it! When you start living for others and start learning to understand nature and with no more personal intentions, it's that moment you have quit desire completely.

Yet another thing you confused yourself with was 'good and bad' syndrome. I got you cleared off this issue through a simple term 'perception'. There is nothing that can be termed in a wholesome as good or bad, only the way we see and who sees it makes the difference. when I cut down a tree that was a hindrance to the public, am I doing good to the public or harming the tree? This shows nothing can be absolutely called good or bad. Stating in a more complex term, the doer cannot comment on his actions but only the influenced can say if it's good or bad, but again no universally agreed upon answer. No universal answer implies no action has been unanimously accepted as good or bad by people of the world. Things that bring most benefits are termed as good and vice-versa as bad. So, I advised you not to involve too much with this complicated issue and do deeds that benefited most people.

I'll speak more............


Nirmal said...

Good one da.. .
keep posting.. "mine spoke to me" when i read this post..

Label all the ryan articles seperately,coz i think there will more coming by...

Chandran said...

Tat's d achievement of this post common man!!

Twinkle said...

My conscience just woke up :)

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